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Archbishop Józef Michalik, Chairman of the Bishops’ Conference of Poland

18 lipca 2012 | 10:42 | ed. KAI / pm Ⓒ Ⓟ

Archbishop Józef Michalik, Metropolitan Archbishop of Przemyśl, was born on 20 April 1941 in Zambrów in a family of intellectuals and rural workers. The Archbishop spent his childhood and youth, the hard years of Nazi occupation and the dramatic post-war period, in his hometown.

At the age of six he started studying in a primary school and then attended a high school. Although the young graduate was thinking about medicine or Polish studies, he followed the subtle suggestions of the priest who had taught him religious education and decided to enter the Theological Seminary in 1958; he completed it in 1964.

He was ordained to the priesthood on 23 May 1964 by Bishop Czesław Falkowski. His first pastoral assignment was ministry in the parish of Jelonki near Ostrowia Mazowiecka. Fr. Michalik stayed there for only one year, as in 1965 he began studying dogmatic theology at the Academy of Catholic Theology in Warsaw, and continued his education at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (the Angelicum) in Rome.

The study period in Warsaw was not only dedicated to science but to ministry in the Parish of Divine Providence at 1 Dickensa St. Working in the parish each Saturday and Sunday, Fr. Michalik learned the practical reality of the Church of Warsaw: he preached, heard confessions and said Holy Mass.

Studies in Rome between 1969-1972 abounded in new experience. This was a time of work on a doctoral dissertation dedicated to Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski as a theologian and of learning Italian, but also a great school of the Catholic Church and a chance to meet many eminent people of the Church such as professors Karl Rahner, Joseph Ratzinger and Yves Congar, who came to Rome to hold lectures. This was also a time of quite frequent contacts with Cardinal Karol Wojtyła, who was staying in the Polish College when in Rome, with Cardinal Primate Stefan Wyszyński, and with the Pope during services and ecclesiastical events. He spent his holidays in France, Germany and England to brush up on the languages. At that time plans were made to continue scholarly work and studies at Louvain University, Belgium. Fr. Michalik got the support of Cardinal Wojtyła, who knew the Rector of the University and some professors from his own stay in Louvain. Fr. Michalik received the scholarship, yet at the request of Bishop Mikołaj Sasinowski, in 1973 after receiving the doctoral degree Fr. Dr. Józef Michalik returned to Poland and started work as the Vice Chancellor of the Episcopal Curia in Łomża. He also began lectures on dogmatic theology and homiletics at the Diocesan Seminary in Łomża. Working in the Curia, he was in charge of the communications media and was the editor-in-chief of the diocesan monthly Rozporządzenia Urzędowe Łomżyńskiej Kurii Diecezjalnej (Official regulations of the Diocesan Curia of Łomża). As is traditional in Warsaw, each Saturday and Sunday he went to his parish in Zambrów to perform his ministry.

In 1978 Bishop Sasinowski, having returned from the Vatican from the ad limina visit, suggested that Fr. Michalik leave for Rome to work in the Pontifical Council for the Laity. The arrival in Rome coincided with a vacant position of the Rector of the Pontifical Polish College. In June 1978 Primate Stefan Wyszyński appointed Fr. Dr. Michalik as Rector. The stay in Rome continued for 10 years. At that time, working in the Pontifical Council for the Laity, Fr. Dr. Józef Michalik became the first head of the Youth Office and contributed greatly to the preparation of the First World Youth Days in Rome.

On 2 October 1986 Fr. Józef Michalik was nominated Bishop of Gorzów and on 16 October 1986, an anniversary of John Paul II’s election to the Seat of St. Peter, he received the Episcopal ordination from the Pontiff in St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. His Episcopal motto is the Latin maxim “Numine Tuo Domine” – “With your power, o Lord”.

On his return to Poland and installation in his diocese, Bishop Michalik became the chairman of the commission for student chaplaincy of the Bishops’ Conference of Poland, since 1989 a consultor of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, chairman of the Commission for the Laity of the Council of European Bishops Conferences (CCEE), and a member of the Vatican Congregation for Bishops. After the re-organisation of the Gorzów Diocese, on 25 March 1992 he became the first ever Bishop of Zielona Góra and Gorzów.

On 17 April 1993 Holy Father John Paul II nominated Archbishop Michalik the Metropolitan Archbishop of Przemyśl, which office he has held since.

On 19 March 2004 Archbishop Józef Michalik became the Chairman of the Bishops’ Conference of Poland, and between 10–11 March 2009, during the 347th Plenary Session of the Conference of Polish Bishops, he was re-elected Chairman.

On 30 September 2011 Archbishop Michalik became the deputy chairman of the Council of European Bishops Conferences (CCEE).

During the 45 years of the priesthood, Archbishop Józef Michalik has performed a number of responsible functions and held many offices in the Church, both in Poland and internationally.

Archbishop Michalik was nominated by the International Biographical Centre at Cambridge University as the Man of the Year 1998/1999 in the category individual achievements, for his leadership and accomplishments for the international community.

Archbishop Michalik is an author of many publications: Kościół i jego reforma [The Church and her reforms]; Moje rozmowy z Bogiem [My conversations with God] – Łomża 1976 (prayer book); Przypatrzcie się bracia powołaniu waszemu [Look at your vocation, brethren] – Gorzów Wlkp. 1991; Mocą Twoja Panie! Wybrane teksty z nauczania pasterskiego (1993 – 1998) [With your power, o Lord! Selected pastoral texts (1993-1998)] – Korczyna 1998. He has written a number of articles on theological and pastoral topics. In 2006 an extended interview with the Archbishop came out in the ADAM Publishing Office in Warsaw titled Kochać Boga – rozumieć człowieka [To love God – to understand Man].

He was re-elected the Chairman of the Bishops’ Conference of Poland during the 347th Plenary Session of the Episcopate, taking place in Warsaw between 10-11 March 2009.

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