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Prayer with the Holy Father

06 marca 2004 | 17:34 | Ⓒ Ⓟ

This is a collective Rosary prayer which will unite all the participants gathered in Gniezno at the „Europe of the Spirit” Congress and those joining them through the communications media. This will be a prayer of European countries, especially of the residents of the 10 countries entering the EU this year.

The Rosary will be led consecutively by prayer centres from the territories of those countries. The first mystery of the Rosary will be broadcast from our country; it will be led by the participants of the Congress of Gniezno.
*We wish to invite all for the collective prayer!*
It will start at 6pm with a broadcast from the Vatican, where a number of students from the entire continent, accompanied by Cardinal Camillo Ruini and Archbishop Amedé Grab, President of the Council of European Bishops’ Conferences (CCEE), will gather in the Paul VI Hall. Awaiting the Holy Father, they will share their witness with one another and jointly reflect on the papal encyclical Ecclesia in Europa. Next we will move to Cyprus, a site of a broadcast of a short liturgy of penance, an introduction to the prayer proper.
At 7pm Gniezno will become the centre of the prayer. The first mystery of the Rosary from Poland will be led by the members of the ecumenical community in Taizé participating in the Congress of Gniezno.
The subsequent mysteries of the Rosary will be reflected upon in unity with our brethren from other European countries. At the end we will hear the words addressed to us by Pope John Paul II.

Drogi Czytelniku,
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