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St. Adalbert’s Forum

16 stycznia 2004 | 01:19 | Ⓒ Ⓟ

Saint Adalbert’s Forum was set up on the initiative of a number of Polish Christian movements and associations in the year 2002. The main objective was to create a platform for debate on the issue of Christian responsibility in European unification.
The Forum works under the guidance of Archbishop Henryk Muszyński, in close cooperation with Cardinal Primate Józef Glemp and with representatives of other Christian Churches.
The Forum does not have legal personality and remains a live project of cooperation between the organizations which compose it.
.The Forum organises meetings of experts, training courses and public debates.
.The Forum facilitates access to European information for members and persons in charge of movements and associations.
.The Forum is engaged in ecumenical projects – so that, in the Spirit of the Ecumenical Charter, the unity of the continent may be reflected in the religious sphere.
.The Forum is the principal organiser of the Congresses of Gniezno, starting from 2003. Theses congresses are devoted to the presence of Christianity in Europe and to the work of combining the Christian roots of the continent with the construction of a new common European reality.
Each Christian organisation whose members wish to become part of this form of “Europeisation” of Europe may join the Forum, signing an appropriate declaration, presenting a copy of its statutes and nominating its representative.
For taking care of its everyday activity, the Forum appoints its Council, composed of representatives of individual organisations.
Secretariat of St. Adalbert’s Forum |
|KIK, ul. Kopernika 34; |
|00-336 Warszawa |
|biuro@euroforum.pl |
|office@europforum.pl (for the English version)

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